Thursday, May 9, 2019

by Ramanan


1. First of all, the writer should choose his or her stand first.
  •      usually persuasive essay is written to persuade the readers 
  • sometimes, there will be more than one topic given
  •  writer should understand their stand before starting to write
2. the writer should analyze their audience.
  •  the writer should  know the readers point of view to elaborate the points
  • for example, the writer should kn ow weather the audience is teenagers or adults
3. Next, the writer should research to find evidence of the position they’re looking to take.
  •  for instance the writer should give statistic result, newspaper article or other evidence.
  • Hence, the evidence mainly made to strengthen your points that she or he mention earlier
4. Fourth, the writer should figure out what they will include, how they will analyze each supporting point, and in what order they will do so as they write the essay.
  • fist the writer should decide his or her thesis statement for that topic
  •  should arrange his or her body paragraph according to her or point 
 5.Now, the writer should write their essay as they have organized their points before. in this stage, the writer should edit the essay, rewrite if needed, revise, then submit to the instructor.

                                   Image result for thank you

Compare and contrast essay - Jia Lay

Ways to Write Compare and Contrast Essay

1. Choose your subject
Remember to choose two different subjects, but still in the same ballpark, to create a meaningful compare and contrast essay.
For example : Europe and Asia
                       Extroverts and Introverts

2. Brainstorm similarities and differences
Make two lists: one list of similarities, and another of differences. If you are a visual person, a Venn diagram can facilitate this process. Simply create two overlapping circles, one for each of the topics that you are comparing. Traits that differ are noted separately, within those that they share are written in the overlapping space. This is a helpful visual aid, because it organizes similarities and differences clearly. 

3. Hone in on your main argument
 A good compare-and-contrast essay goes beyond a simple listing of similarities and differences to make a meaningful statement about a larger topic. When you look at the lists you’ve made, what strikes you as significant? What do these similarities and differences say about the topic? That will be your main argument.

4. Fill in supporting evidence
 As you begin to write your essay, back up your assertions with evidence from research, reading, or personal experience. If you are comparing and contrasting cats and dogs, use personal anecdotes about friends and their pets to bolster your arguments. (“My roommate’s dog always greets him when he comes home each day, but my cat never does.”) If you are writing about similarities and differences between the poetry of Shakespeare and Keats, include plenty of quotes from their poems to support your statements. With any information that you include, be sure to explain why it matters in the context of your larger argument.

5. Craft your essay with strong transitional words
Transitional words give your essay a nice flow from one statement to the next. When comparing, use words like “both,” “likewise” and “similarly.” Words such as “nonetheless,” “on the other hand,” and “whereas” are ideal for forming a contrast.

6. Proofread and revise carefully

 Once you have finished, read your essay several times to check spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Make use of spell check and grammar check tools in your word processing program. If possible, get a friend to cast a fresh pair of eyes on it to find mistakes you might have missed. We often have difficulty reading our own work objectively and can miss silly mistakes.

Netflix short flim - by Ramanan

Watch short videos :

    This film is actually is a action plus thriller short film. Where a group of 2 men and one lady when  to a restricted area (factory) to take some stuff from there secretly. However, things becomes upside down when the villain came into the scene. You know what? The villain is not a human at all the villain is actually is a programmed robot where the robot can walk, able to scan, rechargeable and also able to kill the opponent in a very cruel way.

        In this video, the group who went to the area will be killed by the programmed robot. First the robot kill the 2 men. After that the lady will managed to escape from the spot but fate does not allow her to survive. Finally, she will suicide in a empty house which is far a way from the restricted area they she visit initially.

2. Comedy short film.

    This movie is fully comedy orientated film where the story is all about life in  high school. The story will be lied mostly among the teachers in the school. The dean of the school will conduct a secret drama in order to give a good lesson to his college in the school who is not performing well.


Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Tips For Writing Argumentative Essays - by Chow Zi Ji

- 18 MAC 2019 -

"Tips For Writing Argumentative Essays"

1. Make a list of the pros and cons of your plan before you start writing. Choose the most important that support your argument (the pros) and the most important to refute (the cons) and focus on them.

2. The argumentative essay has three approaches. Choose the one that you find most effective for your argument. Do you find it better to "sell" your argument first and then present the counter arguments and refute them? Or do you prefer to save the best for last?
 @ Approach 1: Thesis Statement (main argument)
                           Pro idea 1
                           Pro idea 2
                    Con(s) + Refutation(s): these are the opinions of others that you disagree with. you must clearly specify these opinions if you are to refute them convincingly.
 @ Approach 2: Thesis Statement:
                           Con(s) + Refutation(s)
                           Pro idea 1
                           Pro idea 2
 @ Approach 3: Thesis Statement:
                           Con idea 1 and then your refutation
                           Con idea 2 and then your refutation
                           Con idea 3 and then your refutation

3. Use good transition words
 @ While I have shown that... other may say
 @ Opponents of this idea claim/maintain that...
 @ Those who disagree claim that...

4. Use facts, statistics, quotes, and examples to convince your readers of your argument.

Rules Of Writing An Argumentative Essay - by Chow Zi Ji

- 18 MAC 2019 -

            Generally, an argumentative essay is the type of essay where you prove that your opinion, theory or hypothesis about an issue is correct or more truthful than those of others. In short, it is very similar to a persuasive essay, but the difference is that you are arguing for your opinion as opposed to others, rather than directly trying to persuade someone to adopt your point of view.

What are its most important qualities?
1. The argument should be focused on.
2. The argument should be a clear statement.
3. It should be a topic that you can support with solid evidence.
4. Structure your approach well.
5. Use good transition words or phrases.
6. Be aware of your intended audience. How can you win them over?
7. Research your topic so your evidence is convincing.
8. End with a strong conclusion.

Lesson in Da class xD - Jennifer Yeoh

2019 MARCH 31
              Sir Khairul shared the "Basic English Grammar Rules" link to us.
              The album is in two version language in Malay and English.
              Example : S+V+O ,subject, verb and object. This is the very basic to make a sentence.
              I've learn a lot in this album~ same as others.

Group Discussion About The Tittle For The Assignment - by Chow Zi Ji

- 28 MAC 2019-

According to the picture, it shows that every group member has given out their own idea for the group assignment. For our group assignment, all members agree that Happiness will be our group name and the purpose of our group assignment is want to find that what thing can make university student happy when they feel stress and depression. Besides that, we have to give 6 sources for the university student to choose which one is the best source that can make them feel happy. To sum up, each of the group members has participated in a different part.

"6 Sources Of  Happiness"

1. Summer Vacation- Chow Zi Ji
2. Sport-Tracy - Huan Jia Xin3.Social Networks- Jennifer Yeoh Hui Lin4.Watching Comedy- Ho Jia Lay
5.Friends - Sujeinthira Naidu R Nalu6.Family - Ramanan a/l Muniandy

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Group Members Profile - by Chow Zi Ji

"Happiness Group"

Jennifer Yeoh Hui Lin
International Business

Huan Jia Xin
International Business

International Business

Sujeinthira Naidu R Nalu
International Business

Chow Zi Ji
International Business

Ramanan a/l Muniandy
International Business

In our group, there are 3 males and 3 girls. We all from the different class which is 22B, 22C and also 22D. However, we from different class but we always work together to make our homework that gives by lecturer perfectly. During our group assignment discussion, each of us has given out many ideas that are good and functional for the assignment. Besides that, we will always have a group discussion with each other however we are busy in university life. There is one slogan for our group...


Monday, May 6, 2019

Entertainment with english class-by NR SUJEIN

English is fun if a joyfull lecturer teach us english. English for communication class is some more fun because we learn to communicate while chit-chat with lecturer. Week 11 our lecturer make more interesting matter in our class that was played two video clip in class time. That two video clip really contain different story flow which everyone is watching without busy with other stuff.

Information About Individual Presentation - by Chow Zi Ji

-25 JUNE 2019-

During the 2 hours class, sir already make all the student nervous because of the individual presentation is almost coming. I feel stress and sure that every student will same with me because individual presentation means that we need to stand alone or present in front of the class. But thanks for sir because he got to give us clear information and guideline about the individual presentation. those of the information is very helpful for us to prepare for our presentation before the real day of individual presentation. There are 10 items need to discuss during the individual presentation...
- Introduce yourself

- Introduce your theme and topic

- Tell the class your part in making the video

- What did you do? Please elaborate.

- When did you do it?

- How did you do it?

- Why did you do it? Why did you choose what you did and why you did it?

- How did this help the team?

- What new things did you learn from the work you did?

- The conclusion

Refer to all the information, it can make us easily know what thing we need to share to sir and the importance of the individual presentation. However, it is an individual presentation but thanks to my other group members that have helped me a lot during the preparation of the individual presentation.
In the end, I hope that all student including me can do a good job for our individual presentation. Keep FightingπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„!!!!!!