Monday, May 6, 2019

Information About Individual Presentation - by Chow Zi Ji

-25 JUNE 2019-

During the 2 hours class, sir already make all the student nervous because of the individual presentation is almost coming. I feel stress and sure that every student will same with me because individual presentation means that we need to stand alone or present in front of the class. But thanks for sir because he got to give us clear information and guideline about the individual presentation. those of the information is very helpful for us to prepare for our presentation before the real day of individual presentation. There are 10 items need to discuss during the individual presentation...
- Introduce yourself

- Introduce your theme and topic

- Tell the class your part in making the video

- What did you do? Please elaborate.

- When did you do it?

- How did you do it?

- Why did you do it? Why did you choose what you did and why you did it?

- How did this help the team?

- What new things did you learn from the work you did?

- The conclusion

Refer to all the information, it can make us easily know what thing we need to share to sir and the importance of the individual presentation. However, it is an individual presentation but thanks to my other group members that have helped me a lot during the preparation of the individual presentation.
In the end, I hope that all student including me can do a good job for our individual presentation. Keep FightingπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„!!!!!!

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